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Transforming Boards: Unleashing the Power of Quiet Diversity

Two years ago, a private company's board witnessed a historic shift, appointing a black woman as Chairperson—a groundbreaking move for diversity. However, despite the outward...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

A Growth Culture: Enhanced with Behavior Analytics

People are often amazed by how much we can learn from a behavior distribution map such as the one below. You may have guessed that the little dots represent people. The two...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

What Part of 'Quiet Hiring' Don't You Understand?

Several trends have recently gained traction in the workplace, and “quiet hiring” is one of them. If you are unfamiliar with it, “Quiet hiring" describes a company's...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

Four Keys to Unlock Your Leadership in Uncertain Times

With uncertainty in business and personal life following three years of the pandemic, now with geopolitical issues, and daily micro stressors, a leader’s power skills—the...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell, Richard Bell leia mais

Managing Change in the Post Covid Era: The Role of Leaders

Change is an inescapable part of life, often unpredictable and daunting. Yet, it can also offer great potential for growth. In this current business environment, characterized...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

Leaders: A New Approach for a New Era

When recently flying between the East and West coast, I was surprised to be greeted by the pilot. Pilots are usually busy with their checklists before the plane takes off....

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

Finding Purpose in Our Work

The need for purpose in our work is an important part of our behavioral/emotional makeup. Having a purpose to our lives, derived from the work we do, or aligned with our...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

Moneyball for Companies: The Making of GRI's Metric

For too long, organizations have been recruiting and evaluating employees using techniques that are subjective, often flawed, and outdated. We created the Growth Resources...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell leia mais

Peak Performance in Challenging Times: Focus on People

Our world has perhaps never been more chaotic and challenging, particularly for businesses trying to chart a successful course. However, this upheaval may be the perfect...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell, Nicole Phelon leia mais

Going Back to the Future with the Metaverse for Learning and Teamwork

After navigating more than two years through a global pandemic, it’s easy to conclude that today there are many ways we can connect to move our organizational pursuits...

Postado por Frederic Lucas-Conwell, Paula Lynn Danovsky leia mais